I don’t write about blogging much. What’s the point? There are thousands of blogs out there about “blogging” They teach about SEO, writing tips, making money, social networking, twitter, blog niche’s etc…
I have actually been working a lot on this blog tonight. Tweaking an old post that I discovered was ranking high in Google. This was interesting since the post was only one paragraph long.
Not anymore, we will see what happens 🙂
So, since there are millions of posts out there about the 3 aspects of blogging I mentioned in the tittle I decided to just go on and do my own observations.
- Image via Wikipedia
I’m not going to try and teach you anything here at the Hip Opinion. There are plenty of famous bloggers that have much more experience than me. I like to write about UFO’s , religion , rock and roll and other weirdness. It’s what I like – Entertaining wacky stuff. So my suggestion is to just write what your into. I have been doing it for years. Eventually I’ll create a legacy.
Well…Uh.. maybe.
Well that’s an open ended discussion. Take a look around. SEO experts disagree on everything. That’s just the way it is. Black hat, white hat, what?
I have tried to just bag SEO completely. Just not worry about it.. But I can’t dammit. I just find myself tweaking posts to try to get better rankings. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.
I get offers from SEO firms to get me top rankings all the time. Sorry guys, I have been throwing pages up since 2003. If my pages don’t get ranked high, well, it’s just not in the stars.
Will this post get ranked high? I’m kidding of course. Take a look at the competition for those keywords. I’m feeling Lucky
Yes folks. I use Google. I love those guys. And sometimes they love me. But as I was saying above. You just never know.
I use many of their tools. G-mail, (davestuff) blogger, analytics, adwords, sites, reader, buzz etc etc.. They come up with something new, I’m like a kid, I gotta see what it’s all about.
My advice; Don’t piss em off. All the other engines answer to Google. Or so I have heard.
Me, I got nothing to worry about (I think) I always just write whatever I got going on at the time. I share it here and there on my networking accounts and then go watch some TV.
Is anybody reading? Sure, according to my Google Analytics profiles.
And that’s good enough for me.