Ok. I can’t freakin’ breathe. -And it sucks

For me, there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for these brutal attacks. They just come. In any season.

This week I am attempting to get rid of the stuff before it sit’s and becomes infected by using a Ghetto version of Musinex. Us blue collar folks can’t afford the name brand med’s because Bush has made everything cost so much. (I blame the worlds problems on his administration)

The stuff (snot) is hopefully thinning out the crap that invades and I can blow it out so it doesn’t wind up as a full blown sinus infection… Which often seems to happen when I get these attacks… Then, of course, it’s doctor time. And I ain’t got no insurance right now.And you know what that means… About $100 plus med’s.

Oh my God it sounds like the end of the world doesn’t it?

And over a decade later. Not much changes.. I still have allergies. -Originally posted in Sept 2008