Allergy Problems

Allergy Problems

Ok. I can’t freakin’ breathe. -And it sucks

For me, there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for these brutal attacks. They just come. In any season.

This week I am attempting to get rid of the stuff before it sit’s and becomes infected by using a Ghetto version of Musinex. Us blue collar folks can’t afford the name brand med’s because Bush has made everything cost so much. (I blame the worlds problems on his administration)

The stuff (snot) is hopefully thinning out the crap that invades and I can blow it out so it doesn’t wind up as a full blown sinus infection… Which often seems to happen when I get these attacks… Then, of course, it’s doctor time. And I ain’t got no insurance right now.And you know what that means… About $100 plus med’s.

Oh my God it sounds like the end of the world doesn’t it?

And over a decade later. Not much changes.. I still have allergies. -Originally posted in Sept 2008

Are Horoscopes True? YOUR future.

Horoscope, Astrology
Image via Wikipedia

When you read the horoscope in the daily newspaper to you consider it to be true? Do you tend to make decisions based on what it says?  How does these ancient art tell your future?

It’s all just clean fun. You pick it up.. Read it, It talks – right at you huh? I’m one of those groovy cusp guys.. Virgo/Libra.  Well, I ain’t very groovy. Maybe I was at one time but now I’m not. And I don’t think the horoscope would help.

But I’m always willing to give it a try. Right?

I have not read my horoscope in years.  Wait, did I read it last week? I can’t remember. Maybe the next time I do read it it will tell me when I should read it again.

Something Like This:

A Horoscope Reads:

DOUFO – You need to read the Libra horoscope on the 2nd Tuesday of next month in the New York Times . It will tell you how much the lottery is after taxes and the correct numbers to pick. We wanted to give you a heads up since you work nights and often look up at the stars with great respect.

And Next Month

Libra Horoscope

The Moon moving up next to Scorpio has interesting things for you Libra. The planets are intensifying the circumstances involving treasures in the near future. These treasure amount to $5.00 for the red power ball of mars in equal to the days of the week. 7.

Now that would be an awesome Forecast!

What is Deja  Vu?

Déjà vu – I think I been here before!

What? DeJa Vu – That feeling…  you know? I am trying to wrap my mind around it. What can I say. I know i been here before. 

Does it feels like YOU been here before?

I just can’t place the time, season, emotion or drama.

Did it involve drama? You know how I  LOVE drama! If you look for it.. Your gonna find it. – Always.

I love deja vu.  Especially when it brings back memories of wickedness and debauchery. Helps me keep me on my toe’s.  I mean I better be on my game if I have already done all it. Especially if it’s stupid. And I’m sure it probably is. 

It’s good to feel like you been feeling like you been feeling. Wow… I think I feel like I been here before.

You know what? – I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE!

Have you?

Devil Possession The Emily Rose Exorcism

You believe in devil possession ?? I checked out the Exorcism of Emily Rose…That was some spooky Halloween stuff. You dig? The fact that the movie is based on a true story makes it even more eerie . It has to be one of the spookiest movies I have ever seen.

Devil's and the Exorcism of Emily Rose

Cover of The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Deep Questions

Was that chick really possessed by some kind of evil force (devils) or was she  mentally ill? Did that priest actually prevent her from getting the medical help that she needed? The meds she was taking obviously were not working.

I’d love to talk about Psyche med’s. But I don’t want to get sidetracked. Ya know? 
Remember the Exorcist?

That crazy movie with Linda Blair back in the day… I saw it with my parents at the drive in.. Fortunately I fell asleep. But that was one scary movie too. It’s said that people were “fainting” and vomiting in theaters from a total freak out! Wow!

Emily is more real.

She brings up lots of spiritual questions for the viewer. For somebody to watch that and not consider something being “out there” is well…unbelievable. (Pardon the irony) There seems to be unseen powers in this universe that can’t be explained.

Check it this Halloween

Yep. Halloween is fun! Watch the movie,  then discuss God, devil possession and all that wacky stuff  . Atheist’s welcome… Like…Totally 🙂

Tulsa Tornado Alley – And TV?

Embed from Getty Images

Well here it is spring time in Tulsa… I look outside and see the black sky and “wall clouds” as they say on TV. It’s an exciting time of year.

 The fact that it happens during the TV spring sweeps makes it frustrating sometimes. You know, your trying to watch your favorite TV show but all you see on the TV is a huge radar screen. “Don’t worry, we will replay your favorite shows on Sunday afternoon” Hey, what if I got something to do on Sunday afternoon?

 Oh I really don’t mind. It is necessary for all the channels to report about the potential of one hitting your house. I have come close as a child but never really experienced the full-blown tragedy of a tornado. We can put my show’s on the back burner. It’s not all that bad. Lost was the only show I watched at the time, and it’s over now. (As pitiful as it was)

 So here in Oklahoma during Tornado season you can expect to see a lot of the colorful radar screen on you high def. TV. All our weather guys got it going on with the Doppler and all that. special gear that helps keep us safe.

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 Hey, it’s kinda fun blogging again. It’s been a few months since I posted. I’m being a good boy now so I’ll try to build this site back up again. Then I can turn around and sell it for 10 bucks so I can get a pack of cig’s and a cup of coffee. And, watch the storm come in.

Top 10 Worldly Problems. Solutions?

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Image via Wikipedia

Well we all got problems don’t we? A quick surf of the net or a newscast on TV will abundantly confirm this.

I like to ponder stuff you know? I like to try and “figure it all out”. And wonder what a “Higher Power” should be doing about all this.  He is supposed to be all powerful right? Can’t He fix this world that we humans have totally screwed up?

Or is it up to us? Religious people tend to be just trying to hold on until they get to the great by and by. Right? I mean, I have heard it said. “This is not our home, our home is in heaven”

Jesus is coming, right? Could be today! But, what if it’s not for another 50 millennia? Hey, that’s a long time.  There’s gonna be a lot of generations of people that have to try and make due until they get to heaven. Meanwhile the world get’s worse.

Big Global Problems

  • Hunger and malnutrition
  • Climate Change
  • Conflicts
  • Financial instability
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Subsidies and Trade Barriers
  • Population/migration
  • Communicable diseases
  • Education
  • Governance and corruption

What a list.  those are real problems.  Who is gonna fix this mess?

I have heard Bible teachers say that this “fallen world is too far gone to be fixed. It will take a complete regeneration from God to fix this. ”

Maybe. But, perhaps talking about it would help to get ideas to give the Big Guy a hand in it. Most of us have children and grandchildren right? Each of us do our part?

I’m just a middle aged hipster. I probably got a few years before I go to the pearly gates.  Perhaps, there is SOMETHING I could do to make a difference here and now. You dig?

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