When you read the horoscope in the daily newspaper to you consider it to be true? Do you tend to make decisions based on what it says? How does these ancient art tell your future?
It’s all just clean fun. You pick it up.. Read it, It talks – right at you huh? I’m one of those groovy cusp guys.. Virgo/Libra. Well, I ain’t very groovy. Maybe I was at one time but now I’m not. And I don’t think the horoscope would help.
But I’m always willing to give it a try. Right?
I have not read my horoscope in years. Wait, did I read it last week? I can’t remember. Maybe the next time I do read it it will tell me when I should read it again.
Something Like This:
A Horoscope Reads:
DOUFO – You need to read the Libra horoscope on the 2nd Tuesday of next month in the New York Times . It will tell you how much the lottery is after taxes and the correct numbers to pick. We wanted to give you a heads up since you work nights and often look up at the stars with great respect.
And Next Month
Libra Horoscope
The Moon moving up next to Scorpio has interesting things for you Libra. The planets are intensifying the circumstances involving treasures in the near future. These treasure amount to $5.00 for the red power ball of mars in equal to the days of the week. 7.
Now that would be an awesome Forecast!