
These stories have been around a long time. Some of them I have updated. Many of them I haven’t. This started out when blogs were like, new! 

Did Rod Stewart Have his Stomach Pumped?

Did Rod Stewart Have his Stomach Pumped?

This story has been my top post on this blog. Rod Stewart - It's amazing how that such an old story could possible still be popular over 30 years later...Very strange. I read the story in it's entirety in Rolling Stone Magazine years ago... I had already heard it on...

Allergy Problems

Allergy Problems

Ok. I can't freakin' breathe. -And it sucks For me, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for these brutal attacks. They just come. In any season. This week I am attempting to get rid of the stuff before it sit's and becomes infected by using a Ghetto version...

Open Office Vs. Microsoft Office

Open Office Vs. Microsoft Office

Microsoft office is the undisputed king of office apps. Everyone and their dog uses it. It must also be the most pirated program in the world too. I am typing this blog using Open Office. Just because I am a poor guy. Us poor people have to go with whatever we can get...

Are Red Headed Folks Hot Headed?

Are Red Headed Folks Hot Headed?

He makes me madder than a red headed step child. "That 'ol boy has quite a temper on him... Must be that RED HAIR!" I hear that a lot in my travels that people with red hair are easily pissed, hot headed and just generally angry. - Now I'd like to know if that is a...

Cell Phone Chargers

Cell Phone Chargers

They are really just a pain. OK.. You have a Samsung and your kid's have Motorola's and your wife has some kind of apple phone Ipod thing with windows ...Now, they all lose or "misplace" their charger's somewhere along the way. The kid's are paticularly bad about this...

Stairway to Heaven – Secret Satanic Message

What's it all about? Some kind of Lord of the Rings trilogy thing huh?I never thought that Led Zeppelin had very good lyrics. Yes there are two paths you can go by...But in the long run. There's still time to change the road your on. You know there are backward...

On Hold With the Bank?

On Hold With the Bank?

I got some weird letter and check from my bank the other day... It's talking about how I didn't give them enough money on a line of credit. I was behind after getting laid off and other stupid decisions on my part.I got the situation fixed but then they sent me back a...

Buy Buy LOVE The Cars Live

OK. Lets' be honest. Buy Buy Love Live is pretty freaking cool. I haven't seen it before but here it is on the internet. How cool is that? hahahahaha. Whooo!

Are the Rolling Stones Devil Worshipers?

Are the Rolling Stones Devil Worshipers?

"The Rolling Stones Their Satanic Majesties Request" - That is my favorite Stones record. It's like their phsychodlic answer to Sargent Pepper Lonly Hearts Club Band. Some would probably say the Beatles record is better but that Stones record is pretty freaking good....

Old Days