I liked the acting of Stella Stevens in the 1968 film, How to Save a Marriage (And Ruin Your Life), but not in the highly commercial 1966 spy adventure, The Silencers.  (Dean Martin’ s acting doesn’t pass muster either.)  But she is there, and there is actually much to comment on.  Stevens has a sophisticated face which can look very vulnerable, and her voice when raised grabs your attention.  She has a dandy figure, priceless hair and beautiful breasts.  Moreover, she and the other actors look good in Moss Mabrey’s striking costumes.  Also co-starring in the movie is Daliah Levi, histrionically dull but certifiably comely.

The Silencers presents Dino as a plebeian American James Bond.  It was made at a time when every element of an entertainment film, not just the action scenes, was meant to entertain.  Robust but also crass, the pic’s problem is not (covered) female hooters; it’s sexual hedonism.