The plot of the new Fast and Furious 6 (2013) has Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s cop approaching Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) and his ex-criminal crew to help him vanquish the toughest, smartest international crime team, based in London, you’ve presumably ever seen. Dom agrees to it since this may be the only way he can reach his still-alive lost love, Lettie (Michelle Rodriguez), who seems to have some connection with the London-based baddies—and is now an amnesiac (!)
Not surprisingly, so much propulsive action goes on in Justin Lin’s lark that it ends up diluting its thrills. Yet some of this stuff is irresistible—the cutthroat fight between Lettie and a policewoman (Gina Carano), for instance. And the main villain’s act of blowing up the bridge the London police are standing on as they fire at his getaway car. As for the auto chase material, I loved the shot of Tyrese Gibson leaping from one speeding car to another and that of hapless Lettie getting flung into the air before Toretto’s silly, superheroic rescue of her. And the wicked tank is cool too.
Now this:
The movie has a way of making British folks look bad; what’s up with that? Dom is hypocritically religious, though it’s interesting that religion is in the film at all. Moreover, I found myself wishing Furious 6 was a little less stupid—Dom’s crew locates the tough, smart crew for a final battle with a bit too much ease (etc. etc.)—for all the fun it supplies.
I give it a B.