Well here I am back on the hip opinion. How long has it been, 10 years? So Now I must reflect on being hip, (not) Star Trek an politics.

Now that I’m older, I realize I’m not very hip anymore. Well, I never really was, I just THOUGHT I was. I was really just a guy with a dream. Probably because I watched so much Star Trek in my youth. That show promises a future. But I begin to realize that probably won’t happen in my lifetime.

Really? So what exactly does Star Trek teach? That mankind messed up over a few millennia and almost destroyed ourselves.?And then we gathered together and became communists? Is that what I think I heard?

Yep, that’s what somebody told me.

I always heard that ‘Communism’ was bad. I’ve heard it my whole life. Now I also hear that Socialism is bad. Which is it?


Let’s see here…




A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.




A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.



I’m trying to figure it out.  But, I can’t… I just can’t.