Can Astrology predict if your gonna be addicted to drugs and and alcohol? Maybe… I had a rather interesting experience on my birthday.
Check It:
I was hanging out on the phone last night with a dear friend under the Harvest Moon. We were talking about life, addiction, astrology, relationships, spirituality, ya know, all that fun stuff
I didn’t know it was the harvest moon
So I decided to take a look at it and see what it was all about. While surfing around I came across this daily astrology blog. (I subscribed) I found her post for my birthday quite interesting.
Allow Me to Quote:
Meanwhile, the “Tender, Compassionate” Pisces Moon is tending to the last of her “prayer requests.” We may want to do likewise (Pisces rules our “link to the Divine”). Later, the Pisces Moon will be restocking the “oceanic bar” with a fresh, 30-day supply of liquor, which she fears may not be enough to last out the whole month now with “Always Thirsty” Jupiter back into Pisces “inebriated waters, “alongside that very “Erratic Drinker” Uranus. Jupiter conjoined Uranus in “drinking hole” Pisces can give a rich “fondness for alcohol” since Pisces rules liquor. Jupiter is also not known “for moderation,” especially when conjoined with Impulsive Uranus who also has difficulty “tempering his impulses.” If we normally have “problems holding our liquor” we may be well-advised to “leave it alone,” for awhile, particularly while this “potent aspect” is in operation.
–Cosmic Life Coach
Pretty “Cosmic” Indeed
Check out the keywords!
OK… You cat’s that know me understands that I don’t hold my liquor very well. Uh…Let me rephrase that:
I can’t hold my liquor at all.
So you can see that I was quite amazed by that post. Now let’s see here.. Maybe I should check out today’s post… Uh… …… …….
Well…Uh…. I’ll do it later… You dig?
Until then I think I’ll take her tip:
“Leave it Alone”… today. 🙂
Other Stuff “out there” in the Blogsphere
- Watch out for the Super Harvest Moon (
- Super Harvest Moon (
- Astrology Addiction (what?)

i like ur all articles.
i was readed your quate and that’s really enjoyfull and interesting.