This story has been my top post on this blog. Rod Stewart – It’s amazing how that such an old story could possible still be popular over 30 years later…Very strange.
I read the story in it’s entirety in Rolling Stone Magazine years ago… I had already heard it on the streets when I was a kid. The magazine story was the first time the story was ever put into print. It was spread totally by word of mouth.
It’s funny, when you mention that Rod had to have his stomach pumped to somebody…They either start laughing or don’t have any idea what your talking about.
They are either ‘in the know’ or they are not ‘in the know’
And rolling stone says it was a GALLON… Not a couple of quarts. But all the versions vary. It’s a sick world out here… I mean, have you heard about Stevie Nicks story? It’s kind of weak. But whatever. Rock on folks!
Originally posted in Oct of 2016. This post has seen more traffic over the years than all my other posts combined. And people still come see over 20 years later.
What’s it all about? Some kind of Lord of the Rings trilogy thing huh? I never thought that Led Zeppelin had very good lyrics.
Yes there are two paths you can go by…But in the long run. There’s still time to change the road your on.
You know there are backward masking messages on that song right? I remember the preacher’s talking about it when I was a kid… I had a tape that explained it all… In the backward part he is talking about a “different” path – That leads to hell. Or Sad Satan
It’s all in the subconscious and the Devils way of controlling your mind through rock and roll, ya dig?
Wow I wish I still had that tape… Id upload for everyone to enjoy!!
Oooohhhh It makes me wonder.
2023 – Updating this post over a decade later and I have changed my mind. -Led Zeppelin are absolutely DEVIL WORSHIIPERS! However, I also believe their lyrics aren’t so bad after all!
“The Rolling Stones Their Satanic Majesties Request” – That is my favorite Stones record. It’s like their phsychodlic answer to Sargent Pepper Lonly Hearts Club Band. Some would probably say the Beatles record is better but that Stones record is pretty freaking good. It talks about them worshiping the devil and praising sweet Satan and his band of demons at the lake of fire.
Are the Stones Devil Worshipers?
Well, if you say so. Lots of the British bands were devil lovers weren’t they? Led Zeppelin were devil worshipers. Or that’s what they say. If you listen to Stairway to Heaven backwards it too mentions My Sweet Satan. That would be freaking devil love. Allister Crowleys Knight in Satan Service.
Rock and Roll is of the Devil
That’s what they say. If you listen to Rock music your going to Hell. There is absolutely nothing redeeming or positive about rock music whatsoever. You may as well be damning your soul to a permanant vacation home at the lake of fire. I’ve been to tent meetings that would talk about this all night long.
Let’s take this a bit further. Thinking your safe from the wiles of the Devil by going to a Christian bookstore and getting Christian Rock is deceptive. Those bands are also often playing in a 4/4 time signature and that is the devils. – Lucifiers time signature.
So… The Stones song, Sympathy for the Devil – Need I say more? Satan himself is speaking directly through Mick Jagger on that one… I mean for real…
So what should we do about all of this? The Devils everywhere huh? Here it is…
The Little Drummer Boy is one of my favorite Christmas songs. it was originally know as “Carol of the Drum” and was written by Katherine Kennicott Davis in 1941.
This is version was recorded in my home studio using Reaper software. It’s really just a practice exercise to try to do a song from start to finish in just a couple days.
In my typical method. I used cheap guitars and a 2006 MacBook to do the record. I used either stock or free plugins for effects.
Most of the settings are presets except some minor EQ tweaks.
Then I uploaded the file to Landr for mastering – also free.
Yes folks. A whole Christmas song for your listening pleasure and free download.
My good friend Neal Hutto passed away around this time of year back in 2010, My thoughts often go back to memories that we shared hanging out… Talking about music and the state of the universe and all that…
He used to MC the open mic nights at the Eclipse club back in the 90’s. He made the entertainment! He would introduce me and I’d stumble drunk up on the stage and sing about abusive youth church camp leaders and such… It was fun!
Yeah… Neal was kool… I was a thug.. There were other artists and punks heckling other losers. What can I say? It was some of the best times of my crazy youth… Well I was pushing 30… But ya know
Dang I miss that guy.
I didn’t make it to his funeral but I found a copy the full eulogy of Neal on Facebook. His friend Will knew him much better than I did and said all the right things. He mentions Neal’s Riverside Drive Tape that he recorded back in 1990. He talks about some of it being digitized but I have never found it on the net..
Neal was sleeping at my pad one summer and we were checking it out and I told him “lemme get a copy of that” So I simply dubbed one over….And I still have it…
I hadn’t heard that stuff in a long time… Wow! I don’t know the names of the songs but it’s quite a good little musical journey that record. Some really trippy ambient music there…
Simple and effective lyrics
“love is here to stay..I ain’t bullshitting…. Love is here to stay”
The (trivial) setup in Reaper (Photo credit: Roo Reynolds)
Back in the music lab again…Recording my latest and greatest masterpiece… It is yet ‘untitled’ Maybe I’ll just keep that name for the record. Uh……..?
I must begin by saying that getting this 6 year old macbook is improving my lab tremendously. I have sought out to do some DAW recording now that it’s the computer age…But the PC hassles just seemed to be too much… I had recorded other songs.. Like one that my friend Neal wrote.
It was recorded on a PC using Reaper DAW software. It came out pretty good.
At any rate… I was having to many troubles at the time… And no energy to fight the computer issues…
I actually have video of some songs on my Youtube Chanel. . Including the one above… If your interested. I may blog about each one of them one of these days… – Whatever
All I know for sure is that those tracks can never be finished because I had the files stored on an external hard drive that was stolen by a past acquaintance. Hey… I luv them dudes and dudettes from my past… I just can’t chill that way anymore…
There’s to much life left in me… Ya know what I’m sayen?
So.. I have a 2008 Macbook… A Shure SM58…. An LP worth of electronica that I worked up with Acid years ago…And a fresh copy of licensed Reaper installed. And I’m laying down tracks… Cause Macbook and Reaper is where it’s at.
Hey…What else is there to do? I got something to say after all!
Send me some files of you saying silly stuff… I put it on top of these techno tracks… Ya know? Blah blah blah…..