Well the Hipster (me yeah whatever) – I got married. Holy matrimony…. Marital bliss and all that! Hey I found a great girl that sees the best in me and takes me for what I am. – A knucklehead.
—Really tho…She’s awesome —!!
I just couldn’t do any better. I don’t know about destiny, predestination or God’s true plan for us humans according to the laws of the Great Universal Spirit…But I got a good feeling about this one. She is a jewel to be treasured…. That’s why I put a ring on her finger…Ya know?
Lucy and I….We got this!
Her name is actually Lanel… We met a few years ago and liked to chat here and there when we saw each other around ‘town’ and all… She was going incognito avoiding attention and started calling herself Lucy on the Facebook and that’s where we reconnected. – The rest is history.
Being this is my blog I figured I take a few to rave on our relationship, our wedding and our life together… We had a little ceremony out in Claremore Oklahoma at the Wedding Chapel and all the guests seem to really enjoy themselves….We got some awesome gifts and are getting our place together worked up nicely :))))))
The wedding chapel in Claremore is a quaint little place to get married and is a very reasonable price. It was a challenge getting ready for the wedding. Lucy did of the planning and decorations herself. With the help of all of our family and friends – We are pleased with how everything turned out!
I did the music… You know….The Intro for the Wedding Party and the Wedding March right here in my home lab on this here mac. Alison filmed the ceremony from the audience with her iPhone and Don a bit of editing on his mac at home… Because this is an Apple zone… You know… Lucy told me so!
~The Wedding~
We love you all……….

Dave, really wish I could have been there. Tell Lucy it looked beautiful, she did a great job. It’s amazing that you, three other people and myself have stayed friends and in touch this long. I feel somewhat bad that I was not there to support you in the beginning of this next stage of your life. I offer my best wishes, my congratulations and a hearty ZIGGITY ZIGGITY WHOOOOOO! Have fun my brother,
Thank you mark! I know u was there in spirit! It’s been awhile. Looking forward to seeing u sometime. Glad ur still doing music! We should share some tracks sometime soon! :)))