Coming Home On Virgin
Image by Bob Jagendorf via Flickr

I like super hero movies… I saw Batman The Dark Knight Recently… Very Kewl.

Hancock is certainly a different take on Super Hero movies…This guy is a drunk with super human powers (like Superman) and has an attitude of FTW… If you know what im saying…

He is always tearing up stuff as he saves people and catches bad guys… He seems to have no guidance or morals when it comes to how he get’s the job done… Very interesting.

He then saves a guys life that becomes his friend and “consultant” on how to become a cherished super hero instead of one considered to be an “asshole”

I also checked out “The Bucket List ” this weekend… It was a moving story about 2 guys that are terminally ill and create a list of things to do before they “kick the bucket” Great story and photography as they travel worldwide… Almost holding back tears at the end… I hate that… :)

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