They were saying something about drilling for oil right here in Tulsa. People are fighting about it I guess. My Jeep is outta gas once again. Just so pitiful. Another $30 to get a bit over 1/2 tank. It’s all Bush’s fault of course.
Trust me… It’s not going to get any better with the next guy either…..
There’s oil all over the US. Before George got his dirty hands in this junk, we can all thank Bill can’t-keep-it-in-his-pants Clinton. All he needed to do was to allow the drilling in Alaska when he was in office, and we would have no need for our friends over in the Middle East. But the environmentalists went crazy, the oil billionaire dopes went crazier, and Hillary probably spanked his ass a few times. Since the government gets a cut and oil billionaires need to get even richer while the middle class suffers severely, why, Billy boy didn’t go for the drilling. Good move, Bill. Look where we are now. This country is a hot mess.
And that’s my 2 cents…
Oil is very important for our daily activities for our car. With this sort of problem, government must need to look for a better solution.