I was at a bar many moon’s ago and this guy was telling me that he had sex with another patron of the bar. I said “Did you use a condom?”
Why would I want to do that? That ain’t no fun…He said…
Is this the mind set of most folks in the Bars? Just straight sexual debauchery with no protection and thought of consequences?
If you don’t think so you had better think again. Pregnancy or STD’s have little or no effect on peoples decisions when putting the mack down.. It’s all about gettin some… Do you agree?
Are you aware that a single click on the kissing image on this post puts you right in the middle of some pretty unsavory porn? Your gonna get COPA heat if your not careful! Plus image piracy is a crime – produce your own content or properly license it – someone has copyright on all those graphics you are shamelessly stealing!
Thanks for the tip!