- Image via Wikipedia
Have you checked your spam e-mail box lately? Lots of people wanting to show you pictures and things. They have all kind’s of fun stuff for you.
Check Spam
- Oxycontin
- Penis enlargement kits
- Cheap software
- Colan cleanser
- Options YOU selected
- Hey Dave 70% off
- YOU have been selected
- Hello – Look at my pictures?
Wow! All that fun stuff is right there on 1st page of my spam box! Calling me to click on in and find out what it’s all about. As long as there are a few good people (like myself) willing to put a credit card number in. Well, those guys can give themselves a “Good going kid” pat on the back.
I check my spam email often. For entertainment purposes only.You know…
Chick here – I dare you 😉
Look a few outbound links
- Gmail Filters Email Beyond Spam (webpronews.com)
- This is One Reason Why Spam Sucks (dcrblogs.com)
- Top 4 Freeware Spam Blockers That Actually Work (makeuseof.com)
- 12 reviews of Porn SPAM (e-mail) (rateitall.com)