Do you ever go church hopping? That is shopping around every week to a different church to see what it’s like. It is often hard to find a church that you can connect to and feel your making a difference for the “kingdom” -If that is your calling/goal.

Most of the time when I visit a new church the service is ½ empty. They often have huge sanctuaries’ that were built back when the church was much bigger. They will often have huge numbers of members on the books but they are obviously not sitting in the pew’s. Isn’t that strange?

I have heard it said that if the church doesn’t change soon then it will cease to exist within the next few decades. Church as we know it will be no more. Those Godly looking buildings, steeples, bells, fiery sermons and organs…You know, all that wacky stuff..

What can a believer in God do about this sort of thing? Why not just sit around on Sunday mornings and watch some entertaining Christian TV? You could make a little party out of it and have some friends over with some snacks to enjoy the show.

It’s nothing but a good time.