Google Appliance as shown at RSA Expo 2008 in ...

Google Appliance as shown at RSA Expo 2008 in San Francisco. It was only a computer case with no parts inside.-Daniel A (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I got a notice from Google about my Adsense account. You can see the ad’s there on the right..(maybe) I have owned this site for several years.. I don’t blog on it much anymore. My brother uses it  a lot – he is a film buff and enjoys reviewing movies .

So anyway Google sends me an email…

One or more of your sites has been in violation of AdSense policies.

Huh? What the heck are they talking about? I go over and look!  Here it is! Yes.. My old blog… Violating Google Rules… What is it?

Well….The Email says:

AD MISLABELING: Publishers may not implement Google ads in a manner that disguises the ads in any way.

How am I doin that?  OH…. It said ‘KEWL’ above one ad. And  ‘Stuff” above another.. It can’t say that.  It has to say – Advertisements’ Or ‘sponsored links’ 😉

OK… I’m glad we got that cleared up. I have had this site up since like 2008. Hmmm 8 years. Sorry I didn’t wanna break any rules…Good they got around to telling me.

I took a quick look at my balance while I was fixing the problems..  A grand total of $76.66

It’s money in the bank……