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Image via Wikipedia

Wow isn’t that the question? How do ya know if your in love? Let’s think about this a bit…  Ever heard the statement:

I love you, but I’m not IN love with you?

So what’s the difference?

There seems to be some different kinds of love floating around. Agape love which would be unconditional love. And then there’s the falling in love with your mate… Of course this would certainly have conditions right?

Now isn’t it just as easy to fall OUT of love as it is to fall IN love? It has to be right? That’s why there are so many divorces and such. That just seems to be the sign of the times.

You could say I been in a few relationships (understatement) and I can say I have loved them all…But was I IN love? Gee… I guess I’ll  never never know..

But there’s always next time around in the love experiences of life. They happen everyday. All that love poetry!

On my next post I am going to consider good looks, lust, and love.  Ya’ll come back now ya hear?