Hey look at this new post. Using a little ransom note style which was so hated back when I started designing webpages back in the day.
Oh yes. HTML books and web design websites told you to NEVER do this.
But WHY??
Because it looks stupid?
You should never format professional pages like this. Come on?
What would your customers think?
But I just wanted to show off my new blog theme and goof around with the WYSIWYG editor that I’m using to create this post!
Just for the FUN of it.
I’m not trying to get rich off of this blog. Just get some visitors and hopefully more contributes to write goofy stuff for entertainment. And make a little cash as a part time job. Like working at McDonald’s.
As long as your hip you can write whatever ya like.. In any STYLE.. Come on and join the hip opinion and do some WACKY….
Ransom Note POSTING.
Well if ya got this far check out a site I used to learn website from back in the day. Websites that SUCK! Good to see that dude is still around…Fun Stuff 🙂