What is Deja  Vu?

Déjà vu – I think I been here before!

What? DeJa Vu – That feeling…  you know? I am trying to wrap my mind around it. What can I say. I know i been here before. 

Does it feels like YOU been here before?

I just can’t place the time, season, emotion or drama.

Did it involve drama? You know how I  LOVE drama! If you look for it.. Your gonna find it. – Always.

I love deja vu.  Especially when it brings back memories of wickedness and debauchery. Helps me keep me on my toe’s.  I mean I better be on my game if I have already done all it. Especially if it’s stupid. And I’m sure it probably is. 

It’s good to feel like you been feeling like you been feeling. Wow… I think I feel like I been here before.

You know what? – I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE!

Have you?