The Flintstones Theme Song

I like theme song’s for  TV show’s. They are  well written and very catchy. One of my fave’s is the song for The Flintstones.

I just like The Flintstone’s. Even the one with the silly alien that came to be their friend. The Great Gazoo  was his name… I think. He was always helping them out of trouble. Rather they wanted him to or not.

Anyways I was surfing the TV the other day and it happened to come on and I was checking out the theme song. I was following the the songs words.

Let’s ride with the family down the street.
thoo tha la da da la ca ta ta eet.

What? Uh I didn’t quite get that?

Throo tha la da da la ca ta ta eet.

It’s one of those song’s ya know?

I just can’t seem to make out the words. This has been an issue of mine my ENTIRE LIFE! Knowing a song well… But there is a lyric in it I just can’t make out…I’ll think about it for a minute. Then it goes away and I don’t think about it anymore.

Then I hear the song again!  I’m BACK.. What did he say?

Sure I could Google it. But what fun would that be?
(Heck) Couldn’t help myself. Wait, I found the original theme song.

My Opinion – What’s it Worth?

Google Appliance as shown at RSA Expo 2008 in ...
Image via Wikipedia

Well this is my favorite blog… It was a brainstorm of mine after meeting a friend who had a celebrity blog and was making some money at it.. ( A living actually)

It was a crazy dream of mine that people would actually be interested in what DaveStuff actually has to say.  I figured people would often search for “controversial opinion” (and they do) would want to comment on my silly opinions and perhaps contribe to them too.  I am #1 in controversial opinions in google… But to what avail?

I used techniques I learned from ProBlogger to put this site together and hopefully to monetize it! (Do ya see the ads?)

I have not made enough money to even get the first check from Google‘s AdSense program. But that’s OK

I Still Love To Give my Opinions and have more plans to continue this blog and to certainly keep my loyal readers happy… I get anywhere from 20 to 60 visitors every day and would love to keep serving it up!

I’m working on  a new brainstorm now… On a later  post I’ll elaborate on that one…So stayed subscribed… You dig?

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