- Image by Bramus! via Flickr
Doing my usual looking around on “how to blog“, blogs I came across a post with over 200 tips to do it better. One of them was to write a post about Google. So I’m gonna bust one out about the mystery of getting indexed.
A Google Search
I just did a search: “Google Index Mystery” and hit I’m feeling lucky
The page that came up looks like a forum post at their webmaster central area. Somebody is asking why their site drops for certain keywords or something.
They give her some advice:
- Duplicate content
- Problems with robots.txt
- The seasonal nature of the content
Well that’s cool. It does seem like that’s a mystery as to why the site is having index problems so I guess Google chose correctly at giving that page the #1 position.
This site has over 300 post’s on it right now. (the day I’m writing this)
Only about 3 or 4 of those posts come up on the first page in a search.
That is a Mystery
I get traffic every single day from those 4 posts. They also come up on the first page of all the other search engines.
Why is this?
I have no idea. When I wrote those posts I didn’t really do anything different than what I usually do. I just honestly wrote what I thought about those subjects.
The fact the posts areally are not all that great it surprises me that they continue to do well. I have thought about reworking the posts and making them better but I’m scared to death to do that. LOL
My Amazing Posts’
Yep. that’s right. I have some stuff I have written on this site that I think is just so freaking awesome. Yup, let me give myself a pat on the back. 🙂
Apparently Google Disagrees
Earlier today I was looking through some old posts. I have a series of posts about “Going to Hell” Now, is that not an important subject? Nobody wants to go to hell right?
I did a search on those keywords. Getting Lucky
Nope, nowhere to be found.
I put the search in parentheses: “Who goes to hell?”
Nope, I quit looking about the 10th page.
Finally I put the word “opinion” with the search and I was on the first page. Wow….There it is…Geeze…
Anyways. When I did the posts in the beginning, as usual. I simply honesty wrote what I thought about that subject.
So What Now?
I didn’t do much SEO stuff when writing those posts. I am going to do a little light editing and enter some SEO in the plugin and see what happens. I’d like my stuff to be read by somebody that might find it interesting.
I really should not complain. My main page comes up #1 on keywords I was kinda targeting when I put this site together. And some new ones are coming up now that I’m updating regularly.
But I want my “HELL” posts up there on top somewhere…Damn it.
Hey, It’s a mystery.

I hope you will keep updating your content constantly as you have one dedicated reader here.
Thank you. I try to update at least 5 times a week. But not always…Sometime I re-write old posts and re-publish 🙂