What is a Hipster? What are they like?
- Sub-culture freaks
- Modern thinkers
- Progressive polices
- Art appreciation
- Underground music
- Quick witted ramblings
- Thrift store clothing
- Out dated tennis shoes
- Critical of mainstream culture
- Unkempt hair
- Pretentious
- Narcissistic
- Pot heads
- Cheap import beer
- Coffee
- “Crap” Comic Book
- Liberal art degree’s
- Effortlessly cool
- Buddhism
- Universal Christianity
- 2% Body Fat
- Denial of being a “hipster” (stereotype)
- Poet’s
- Non-conformists
- Independent film
- 18-30 age range
Look at them – I guess I meet maybe 50% of the requirements. It’s all a state of mind of course. Just sayen’

You could have picked a more hipster photo than that.
Your right… I’m terrified of copyright violation. I use Zemanta that usually find’s me usable photos. Such as they are.