Who is smartest…Beavis or Buthead?

Beavis and Butt-head fighting.

Beavis and Butt-head fighting. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do you like Beavis and Butthead?  Be honest..Do you really think those dudes are funny? -Well I DO!

I guess they have not been around for quite some time have they? Spreading havoc all over the place…Ruining the neighborhood…Bagging on good and bad music… Just being general menaces to society.

-Update: They made a come back…I havent’ seen any of the new episodes tho :{

You ever eaten where they work? – Burger World?  Its a world wide chain… Maybe not?

No matter… Be careful where ya eat…Them dudes may be working there after all.

So lets get on to the ultimate question here..

Who is smarter? Beavis or Butthead? – My cousin asked me this question years ago when we were sitting around watching the show! It’s one of those brain teasers… Something to really ponder…. Sure there are other philosophical things to consider in the universe. – We all love a good challenge don’t we?

Hmmmmm… Let me thing about this a minute… Did i actually know anybody similar to these dudes back in Jr High? You know, people lighting farts and such. – Hmmmmm YES! I SURE DID!

Let me see….Of those guys and their crew… (of which I was a part) Which one of them was more intelligent? Which one had the higher IQ? Which one had the best ideas? ~Memories~

Who cares right? Me!

The ANSWER? According to my cuz…

Beavis is actually the smart one…. Butthead is just older

Hey… It’s all clear to me now!

Did the Lunar Landing actually happen?

Full Moon view from earth In Belgium (Hamois)....

Full Moon view from earth In Belgium (Hamois). Français : Pleine Lune vue de la Terre en Belgique à Hamois. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Let’s think about going to the moon shall we? Did we really have the technology to get to the moon way back in the 60’s?

Some say no….It’s been said that the footage was actually filmed in Stanley Kubrick”s Hollywood studio. The same one that 2001 a space Odyssey was filmed at.  Stanley was part of the conspiracy… Or that’s my understanding….

2001 looks good doesn’t it? It looks REAL! 🙂

You can read all about the lunar landing hoax everywhere…  How they did it and why. (more…)

Alcoholism and Addiction a Disease?

Image via Wikipedia

I have wondered plenty of time rather alcoholism or drug addiction is actually a disease. Like cancer is a disease.  It sure does kill folks and destroy families and all that wacky stuff.

But is it a disease?

It’s a disease packaged in pretty bottles.
It’s a disease of choice, right? But wait!!
If you take a drink… Do you want another? And another?

Why would you want to keep doing something that could cause many problems for you and even kill you?

There’s no doubt about it. There is something up.

If you or somebody you love has ever dealt with (chances are you know somebody) addiction then you gotta think…. What the hell? That guy is sick!

Is he sick? Or perhaps –

He Can’t handle his liquor

What a way to be thought of — The dude that ‘can’t handle his liquor’

Now…What to do about it? Moderation???

It’s great to have so many resources these days…
The internet is a wonderful thing. What did we ever do without it?

You know we started crushing grapes a long time ago… This issue has been around a while huh?

Too Much Sex?

Do you get too much sex?  We all have sex problems I suppose I could use an overhauling myself.

English: Fireworks

English: Fireworks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Good or bad. Sex is here to stay.  -It’s everywhere.  Lets consider where it is..

  • Movies – From chick flix to baseball films… Steamy
  • Books – Romance novels to Stephen King
  • TV – Ever watched Grey’s Anatomy?
  • Music – Porn soundtracks are my favorite
  • Internet – Chat rooms to Free dating sites

Should I continue?

Oversexed? Undersexed?

Is there such a thing? Or can you never get enough?

Perhaps it’s just not the right kind of sex. We are always hoping for more of what we cannot have. Or less of what we do have.

Check this bedroom chatter:

Honey you want to have sex tonight?

Well, Star Trek is coming on TV

So, that doesn’t answer my question

But…It’s a new episode honey

Well you can always record it.

That’s not quite the same babe

Damn it…I want SEX!

Well can we keep the TV on?

Hell, I guess. I’d prefer candles.

We can have those too

Alright but your giving me a headache.

Does that mean you changed your mind?

It’s hopeless

Of course it’s possible to fire up your sex life. But that discussion is for another day.

Happy times for all you lovers!

Get busy!!


Did Rod Stewart Have to Have His Stomach Pumped?

English: Stomach, adapted for use in Häggström...

Yes folks, Rod Stewart had to have his stomach pumped back in the 70’s. The story is  that he became very sick one night after  doing a show in Los Angles.

They knew he had ingested some thing toxic and after a thorough stomach pumping that had removed a few quarts of semen.

It is assumed he had been involved in a huge circle jerk and they had placed him in the middle of the room.

But wait… What the heck is a circle jerk anyway?