Scooby Doo Gang – Pot Smoking Ghost Busters?


Image via Wikipedia

I was told awhile back from some hipsters that the Scooby doo gang are actually pot smoking, poetry writing hippies. Is it true?

Oh sure we all have our own ideas about cartoon characters… I have heard it before.

Cartoon Controversy:

  • Beavis and Butthead – Beavis is the smart one?
  • Bugs Bunny – He’s transgender?
  • Sponge  Bob – He’s a gay man?

Oh I’m sure there’s more… I really need to research this stuff huh?

But what about the Scooby Doo ghost busting gang?  Let me think about this a minute here…… ????


They drive around in the “mystery machineseeing things. They got the munchies all the time. And they got a dog with the middle name “doobie”.

It’s all making sense now……..

Of course you know they do a great job for the community.  Busting bad guys that are scaring off people so they can get away with their crimes.  We need more kids like this huh?

It’s a good thing they are not drug testing them over at the ghost buster’s union…  Sheese… I’d hope not…

Yo….Scooby and the Gang…. Smoke ’em if ya got em…….

Is Alcoholics Anonymous A Cult?


Image by kevindooley via Flickr

I was doing some research on cults and found several opinions that Alcoholics’ Anonymous is one of the gang. I had no idea that people hated AA as much as they do.

I found one web page that was particularly critical. I was going to link to it but why the heck would I want to give that cat even more link juice? He already has the top listing in Google. (more…)

Are The Beatles Overrated?

Beatles Suck?I was talking with this musician. He said he didn’t like the Beatles. He said that he only likes maybe 3 or 4 good songs from their entire catalog. Wing’s stuff included.

“They are overrated.” He said

I said.”What?”

“You heard me.”

I guess so.  I was practicing some selective hearing there. It always freaks me out when I hear that kind of thing. Only 3 good songs.  Very strange. (more…)

Where have all the Good Times Gone?

All my life Ive never stopped to worry `bout a thing,
Open up and shout it out,an never try to sing,
Wondering if Ive done it wrong,
Will this depression last for long,wont you tell me?

-The Kinks

You wanna have a good time? Wondering what happened to the teenage years of constant entertainment? Going through a Mid Life crisis?
Come on now…Admit it… We all go there don’t we?

The Hipster’s Moving…

To another server… Hope all is well… I’m gonna change it over tonight and hope everything is OK on Sunday Morning before church. If I go..
Should I go? And If I should where?