I like to chew bubble gum..And the best out there is Bubble Yum. But does it have spider eggs? Or spider leg’s, or mixed with spider web’s?
Hey.. It rhyme’s.
Egg’s – Legs – Web’s
That would make a good song!
I have to admit there is something magical about Bubble Yum. I remember gettting my first pack. It was so much better than the hard 1 cent stuff that I got a the 7-11 that I was totally amazed.
There has to be something to it right? Some kind of secret ingredient!!
Yo’ I don’t care if Bubble Yum has spider’s in it!
It it feels good…Do it! Extra chewy Yum

I’m doing an article on this! Gross, spider eggs in Bubbme Yum? Who would believe that?
Yeah… I know… It’s crazy huh? Funny too. I often fine material to write about while just “hearing” something while being out there in the real world. Rumors… Ya dig?
i heard it was a rumor that started in New York and people stopped buying it because it supposbly caused cancer which isnt true…
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