by DaveStuff | Feb 13, 2009 | Addiction, Sex
It’s almost Valentines day… My love seems to have gone down the drain.. I dunno… I need to learn how to live by myself and love myself… Even if it’s just a little..
So What’s Love Got to do with it anyways? Is it just a second hand emotion?
That thrill of “falling” seems to be what I am addicted to… Love addiction… It’s hard to handle ya know?
What to do on Valentines day?
Perhaps sit at home and read…That’s a good idea huh?
by DaveStuff | Dec 18, 2008 | Sex
I read about internet sex in the playboy magazine years ago. Back when I was actually interested in what people were doing. I guy was asking the “adviser” if he thought it was OK to do that and if it were usually a good way to have sex.
He said something to the effect that if you do your probably talking to a guy. If they mention their “cup size” your talking to a guy. In fact if they get sexual at all right away it’s a good chance you are talking to a guy.
I suppose guys like to “act” like girls on the internet for some kind of bizarre sexual desire fantasy kind of thing. Whatever…
I have had a few goof with me on myspace. Back in the day… I wonder if they were guys? Good thing I never went “ALL the way” 🙂
by DaveStuff | Dec 2, 2008 | Sex
I was at a bar many moon’s ago and this guy was telling me that he had sex with another patron of the bar. I said “Did you use a condom?”
Why would I want to do that? That ain’t no fun…He said…
Is this the mind set of most folks in the Bars? Just straight sexual debauchery with no protection and thought of consequences?
If you don’t think so you had better think again. Pregnancy or STD’s have little or no effect on peoples decisions when putting the mack down.. It’s all about gettin some… Do you agree?
by DaveStuff | Nov 7, 2008 | Sex
I was watching a episode of Boston Legal awhile back where the good looking guy was having trouble with dates because they would always consider him a bad kisser. He then starts taking lessons from a co worker on just how it should be done. They play with the idea of hooking up because he seems to be getting better after being with her. I know… It’s wonderful drama huh?
I remember as a teenager there was a certain girl us in “the gang” knew that went around kissing boys… ALL of them… Then would often comment on who was good or who was bad at kissing… I, of course was of the latter.
I carried this as a bit of a complex for a few years. I even told a date about it as a teenager and she dumped me…Go figure. There’s no room in this sexually fueled world to be a “sexual wimp” Of course to be a good kisser would require “feedback” from the person you are kissing . And a bit of self confidence and not caring so much if you are or not. It’s not the end of the world to be labeled a “bad kisser”
Hope you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane!
by DaveStuff | Oct 29, 2008 | Sex
Oh how many times have you wondered that question? Does size really matter. I guess it depends on who you ask and the way you ask. I’m sure it has a little to do with sexual insecurity issues too. I dunno.
Of course you know that I’m talking about search engine optimization right? Something I have fought with for years. SEO. It’s a very mysterious thing. Like sex is huh?
Does the size of your pizza pie matter? Or the size of a milkshake? You know that at an all you can eat buffet the 3rd trip is always the best. Or the 3rd hamburger at a backyard BBQ.
I read in a men’s magazine recently that size DOES matter. But since I hadn’t really heard of that magazine leads me to the conclusion that their subscription numbers are rather small…hmmm?
Does size really matter… Is that a trick question?
Maybe Size really does matter! In more ways than one!
by DaveStuff | Aug 25, 2008 | Beliefs, Culure, Sex
Are woman bi-curious? One time a friend told me that 90% of woman have been with another woman at one time or another.
In a sexual way of course… She told me that statistics show this. Hmmmm? Never heard that statistic before.
It all started when my kid was telling me she had a lot of “bi” friends at school. That they “swing” Â both ways…Geeze… I don’t remember this stuff when I was in Jr High? Do you?
I received much of my sex education while in Jr High School. But it sounds like things have changed.
That gives me a great idea for another post about sex education… I can’t wait to write it 🙂