OK. I admit it. I have too much debt. I screwed up like so many and ran up credit cards. Now I’m unemployed. Can’t pay them and they are pissed.
It seems to be the American Way! What the heck is a Computer Guru wannabe blogger to do? I guess I’m just a bad bad boy.. Hmmm?
Phone: Ring ring..
- Hello?
- Hello, Is this Dave? Grab your checkbook Dave.
- What for?
- Because you owe us money Dave
- I know.
- Well, we can do a payment right over the phone.
- I don’t have any money
- Well we need our money Dave
- But, but…
- If you don’t pay us we will have to turn it over to collections
- What does that mean?
- It means. Dave, we will have to get more aggressive. Do you want that?
- Uh…No
- Well, then let’s make that payment.
- I said I don’t…..
- You have SOMETHING you can pay I’m sure..
- But..but…
- Settle now or we will sue.
You ever had a conversation like that?