by admin | Oct 24, 2013 | Addiction, Beliefs
I have wondered plenty of time rather alcoholism or drug addiction is actually a disease. Like cancer is a disease. It sure does kill folks and destroy families and all that wacky stuff.
But is it a disease?
It’s a disease packaged in pretty bottles.
It’s a disease of choice, right? But wait!!
If you take a drink… Do you want another? And another?
Why would you want to keep doing something that could cause many problems for you and even kill you?
There’s no doubt about it. There is something up.
If you or somebody you love has ever dealt with (chances are you know somebody) addiction then you gotta think…. What the hell? That guy is sick!
Is he sick? Or perhaps –
He Can’t handle his liquor
What a way to be thought of — The dude that ‘can’t handle his liquor’
Now…What to do about it? Moderation???
It’s great to have so many resources these days…
The internet is a wonderful thing. What did we ever do without it?
You know we started crushing grapes a long time ago… This issue has been around a while huh?
by admin | Oct 17, 2010 | Addiction

Image by kevindooley via Flickr
I was doing some research on cults and found several opinions that Alcoholics’ Anonymous is one of the gang. I had no idea that people hated AA as much as they do.
I found one web page that was particularly critical. I was going to link to it but why the heck would I want to give that cat even more link juice? He already has the top listing in Google. (more…)
by DaveStuff | Oct 4, 2010 | Addiction, Culure, Weirdness

Image via Wikipedia
What do you think about Marijuana? You know that wacky weed. Opinion’s vary as to rather it is a good thing or an evil drug that’s taking over peoples life’s.
This is demonstrated in the old propaganda film Refer Madness.
Harmless Pot?
Refer madness is silly. It’s good to examine what we really believe about marijuana. It is a good thing? I dunno.
by DaveStuff | Sep 29, 2010 | Addiction, Culure

Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL) via Flickr
You ever go to a new doctor and fill out a little questionnaire? It will ask you lots of questions about your lifestyle.
Smoking, drugs, booze, sex ETC.
All that fun stuff
- How many alcoholic drinks do you have per week?
- Do you smoke? How much?
- What is your eating habits?
- Do you use drugs for recreation? (more…)
by DaveStuff | Sep 23, 2010 | Addiction, Beliefs, Weirdness

Image via Wikipedia
Can Astrology predict if your gonna be addicted to drugs and and alcohol? Maybe… I had a rather interesting experience on my birthday.
Check It:
I was hanging out on the phone last night with a dear friend under the Harvest Moon. We were talking about life, addiction, astrology, relationships, spirituality, ya know, all that fun stuff
I didn’t know it was the harvest moon
So I decided to take a look at it and see what it was all about. While surfing around I came across this daily astrology blog. (I subscribed) I found her post for my birthday quite interesting.
Allow Me to Quote:
Meanwhile, the “Tender, Compassionate” Pisces Moon is tending to the last of her “prayer requests.” We may want to do likewise (Pisces rules our “link to the Divine”). Later, the Pisces Moon will be restocking the “oceanic bar” with a fresh, 30-day supply of liquor, which she fears may not be enough to last out the whole month now with “Always Thirsty” Jupiter back into Pisces “inebriated waters, “alongside that very “Erratic Drinker” Uranus. Jupiter conjoined Uranus in “drinking hole” Pisces can give a rich “fondness for alcohol” since Pisces rules liquor. Jupiter is also not known “for moderation,” especially when conjoined with Impulsive Uranus who also has difficulty “tempering his impulses.” If we normally have “problems holding our liquor” we may be well-advised to “leave it alone,” for awhile, particularly while this “potent aspect” is in operation.
–Cosmic Life Coach
Pretty “Cosmic” Indeed
Check out the keywords!
OK… You cat’s that know me understands that I don’t hold my liquor very well. Uh…Let me rephrase that:
I can’t hold my liquor at all.
So you can see that I was quite amazed by that post. Now let’s see here.. Maybe I should check out today’s post… Uh… …… …….
Well…Uh…. I’ll do it later… You dig?
Until then I think I’ll take her tip:
“Leave it Alone”… today. 🙂
by DaveStuff | Sep 1, 2010 | Addiction
What’s it like to be high?
- Pot
- Booze
- Meth
- Oxy
- Acid
- X
- Coke
You ever been high on any of those drugs? Well some of us hipsters have a master’s degree when it comes to these through massive experimentation.
There’s no real way to actually describe the feeling without the experience itself.. But I found a site… And it shows ya!
Well sorta. It explains it rather. Perhaps you should just go and and work on a degree yourself.
But there are risks
These include but not limited to:
- Judges
- Police
- Jail
- Divorce
- Death
- Institutions
- Fines
- Bankruptcy
- Fun
I included fun at the bottom of the list. I thought I’d give some kinda positive spin on it. Like I have heard it said:
I don’t “DO” drugs. I “TAKE” them.
So… Uh…Yeah… Lets get high!!! Rehab is available in all major cities.