Is The 1941 Film, “The Blood Of Jesus,” Worth Watching?

The Blood of Jesus

The Blood of Jesus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Technically The Blood of Jesus (1941) is quite bad, and this includes the acting.  An American indie film, it was directed by a black director-writer, Spencer Williams, and features an all-black cast in what is a sincerely, thoroughly Christian piece of work.  Beyond the technical shortcomings, though, it offers not much more than theological fantasy, by which I mean its theology is usually dubious or even nonsensical.  But not always.

A new convert, Martha Jackson (Cathryn Caviness), is accidentally shot by her feckless husband and undergoes what I take to be a near-death experience.  Her spirit leaves her body and, in a transcendent world, she is persuaded by a henchman of the Devil to enjoy the pleasures of the juke-joint life she undoubtedly never knew when she was on earth.  But the Devil has prostitution in mind for Martha, and of course she flees.  She resists the temptation.  Running to what is called the Crossroads in this supernatural sphere, she beholds an image of the crucifixion and is treated to the salvific blood of Jesus.

Okay, but why Martha would encounter such goings-on in the next world I have no idea.  Being a Christian, she dies—or “dies”—in a state of grace, and yet the Devil is there to tempt her.  Possibly we can see an implication here that the blood of Jesus Christ is to be applied to human beings for the whole of eternity, for the moral perfection of man can never, or will never, be dissociated from it.  The movie’s appreciation for the salvific blood, in any case, is real and deep, and the scene where the blood starts dripping on the prostrate woman’s face has an impact.  I sense that it’s one thing that does make the film worth watching.

There is also some enjoyable music and dancing in The Blood of Jesus.  It’s a low-budget curio more interesting than good, and, yes, it is worth watching.

Devil Possession The Emily Rose Exorcism

You believe in devil possession ?? I checked out the Exorcism of Emily Rose…That was some spooky Halloween stuff. You dig? The fact that the movie is based on a true story makes it even more eerie . It has to be one of the spookiest movies I have ever seen.

Devil's and the Exorcism of Emily Rose

Cover of The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Deep Questions

Was that chick really possessed by some kind of evil force (devils) or was she  mentally ill? Did that priest actually prevent her from getting the medical help that she needed? The meds she was taking obviously were not working.

I’d love to talk about Psyche med’s. But I don’t want to get sidetracked. Ya know? 
Remember the Exorcist?

That crazy movie with Linda Blair back in the day… I saw it with my parents at the drive in.. Fortunately I fell asleep. But that was one scary movie too. It’s said that people were “fainting” and vomiting in theaters from a total freak out! Wow!

Emily is more real.

She brings up lots of spiritual questions for the viewer. For somebody to watch that and not consider something being “out there” is well…unbelievable. (Pardon the irony) There seems to be unseen powers in this universe that can’t be explained.

Check it this Halloween

Yep. Halloween is fun! Watch the movie,  then discuss God, devil possession and all that wacky stuff  . Atheist’s welcome… Like…Totally 🙂