Recreational Pot Use

You come home from a hard days work… Grab your glass bong load a bowl and sit back and watch the evening news about Politics and stuff.. You have another, maybe watch some cartoons, and then eat some dinner. Go work on a hobby for awhile (like blogging) and then have a little night cap and go back bed and do it all over the next day.

Now come on folks… Is there really anything wrong with that?

Oil Free President?

Well, I guess I’ll take a break from Satan for awhile. I mean what is on everybody’s mind these days anyways? Yup. You guessed it… Gas prices. So who is the best man to help in on this election year? Here is what this radical website says: Political Action

Day of Action for an Oil-Free President

People need to know John McCain won’t help ease the energy crisis—he’s Big Oil’s friend, not ours.
Join us on July 9th for our Rally for an Oil-Free President events are spreading the word at local gas station.

I ain’t gonna vote anyways unless I just get overwhelmed with love for one of those cats.The Black or White one. 🙂

Does Obama Like Hot Sauce?

hot sauce and holy water
Image by ~Asturnut~ via Flickr

I went to school with the brotha’s, ya dig? We have an understanding. Hot Sauce is the real test as to rather your “Ghetto” or an Oreo cookie. Now… Does Obama carry around a bottle of cheap hot sauce in his briefcase?

And Who is Obama? What’s that cat’s name mean? Hmmm?


a Luo name (male) from Western Kenya (Nyanza Provice) which may derive from “obam,” which conotes “bending” or “leaning”

Let’s say he can bend stuff back into some kind of reason here in the USA.And help us learn to quit spending… Among other things…Geez….

Update: Well he loves spending to. It’s been awhile since this post was created. But it can still be timeless!

Obama love’s hot sauce…The test is passed 🙂

Isn’t there oil in Oklahoma?

They were saying something about drilling for oil right here in Tulsa. People are fighting about it I guess. My Jeep is outta gas once again. Just so pitiful. Another $30 to get a bit over 1/2 tank. It’s all Bush’s fault of course.

Trust me… It’s not going to get any better with the next guy either…..