Hipster dating sites! That would be the place where you meet all the hipster’s online for a groovy date. You meet each other there. Hold cyber hands and think pure thoughts.
(I reach out and take your hand.)
Let’s go to a art show!
(Looking at you and smiling)
Rite-on, I think they have a new Constantine Andreou exhibit Link here
2 hipsters hangin’ online. Sharing opinions on modern art, popular culture and the effects of dogmatic socialism. It would be like a dream come true for all the hipsters down at the cyber cafe.
Well I was looking around and I found one. www.hipsterdating.com
I didn’t bother linking to it.
It’s a domain somebody own’s with a parked page with ad’s. Gee, why didn’t I think of that? Sound’s like some easy money.
It worked, I clicked an ad. Go figure.
Being a single dude I just have to contend with my now infamous POF profile.
I wish that site had stat’s for me to check. It would be interesting to know if my profile get’s more hits than the next guy. Heck, I put all kind’s of work into it. If I had put as much time into blogging as I did that site I’d probably be on the A-List for bloggers.
I’m thinking about adding a dating extension onto the Hip Opinion.
Can you dig some Pepsi? Well, you ever heard that the “Mormon’s” own Pepsi Cola? So… When you throwing back that red white and blue can your probably buying a bunch of bicycles. And those cat’s MUST get thirsty rolling from door to door.
Hey, the Mormons need you to drink up to spread the gospel (is it the gospel?) of Joseph smith. Well, isn’t he the one that came up with it? He probably LOVED Pepsi.
I’m a Coke guy myself.
What can I say? That’s my mom’s fave. She always had it around when I was growing up. She would scold me tho if she caught me in the kitchen sneakin’ a sip. It’s OK … She usually had me plenty of bottles of kool-aide for me to drink when I was ridding arond on my Big Wheel.
I’m getting used to Pepsi now….The dudes at my job won’t buy any Coke for our vending box. So it’s all good…. Ride on.. You disciples of Mr Smith. Drop on by and let’s have a little spirtual banter… I LOVE it 🙂
“Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue with that; I’m right and I will be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first – rock ‘n’ roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It’s them twisting it that ruins it for me.”
Oh my… What are we gonna do about this? We got a problem folks.
Looks like this deal brought a lot of attention to Jesus actually. I was wondering if they are more popular than Jesus right now? Those cat’s are still very popular. Their fan’s (followers?) are pehaps more closely followed than Jesus’s.
One day a emergent Christian leader posted “The Beatles had it right” on his facebook page wall. What was he talking about? I dunno. My guess is he was referring to their message of love and peace.
Hey… I dig the Beatles, and I dig Jesus. Can’t we all just get along?
Lennon said he didn’t know which would go first. Rock and roll or Christianity. But, they are both here to stay. Ya know?
Does science have proof of a missing day as stated in the bible? This guy was telling me recently that NASA is in the process of finding a “missing day” in time that would prove and correspond with the bible as it is written:
Joshua 10 13 So the sun stood still,
and the moon stopped,
till the nation avenged itself on [a] its enemies,
as it is written in the Book of Jashar.
The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. 14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a man. Surely the LORD was fighting for Israel!
So what do ya think?
I have never heard this speculation before… It would be pretty groovy if that kind of proof were substantiated… Don’t ya think? Hey there are plenty of mysteries out there. And everybody loves a good mystery. The creator of the universe can stop a day in time can’t he?
Do you remember the Pepsi challenge? You would pull up to a grocery store and they would have this stand up there… You step up to the little booth and they give you 2 tiny cups of soda and you tell them which one you think tastes the best.
I chose coke… I had to think about it for a minute tho.. My mom had always told me that “Pepsi tastes’ like Coke with dirt in it”. Well, when I took the actual “test” I couldn’t tell…And honestly, in that setting, thought that Pepsi MAY taste just a little bit better…
Uh… Nope.
I’m a Coke guy for life hipsters…That’s just the way it is… Now that i’m older and slower and bigger and all I have decided to switch to the diet variety.
I hear it all the time; “ I don’t like organized religion”
They say “why is something that is supposed to be organized so un- organized”.
Tis true, I’m afraid. There seems to be a lot of confusion as to how organized the major religions are. And, because the tend to bicker with each other (and themselves) then many people are obviously turned off by this sort of thing.
With good reason…Who wants all that drama anyways?
Well, millions of people it seems. So given that kinda record there must be something to it right? To be completely against organized religeion is a bit silly. Millions of people look to it for hope an direction for life.
So are all these people weak? Or maybe in need of a “crutch” They can’t seem to find their own direction so they need something else to lean on? Or a book of rules to tell them how to live?
I don’t think so. Believing in something in my experience points to strength, not weakness. It is far easier for me to “let myself go” and do what I want rather than try to be obedient to some moral laws. It’s easy to simply do what feels good. – And trust me, I know how to do that 🙂
So, recently… I joined up. It’s all good, except I don’t get to sleep in till noon on Sundays anymore.