I love UFO’s! Huge headed aliens and stuff. You know.. Glittering eyes. Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind and ET. Wow… I love that stuff. Area 51. Is there really something “out there” ?
Satanic Aliens
I have heard it said that these aliens are actually demon’s of Satan’s army. Just to fool us into not believing in God. You ever heard that before? –Well now you have! Hmmmm, Satanic Aliens. Who would have thought?
I really like space. I’m a spacey kind of guy. Believe it. And that means I dig UFO’s I’d LOVE to see a freaking UFO…
And Hey, I’m all in… If it’s a satanic UFO – even better.
What? DeJa Vu – That feeling… you know? I am trying to wrap my mind around it. What can I say. I know i been here before.
Does it feels like YOU been here before?
I just can’t place the time, season, emotion or drama.
Did it involve drama? You know how I LOVE drama! If you look for it.. Your gonna find it. – Always.
I love deja vu. Especially when it brings back memories of wickedness and debauchery. Helps me keep me on my toe’s. I mean I better be on my game if I have already done all it. Especially if it’s stupid. And I’m sure it probably is.
It’s good to feel like you been feeling like you been feeling. Wow… I think I feel like I been here before.
Beavis and Butt-head fighting. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Do you like Beavis and Butthead? Be honest..Do you really think those dudes are funny? -Well I DO!
I guess they have not been around for quite some time have they? Spreading havoc all over the place…Ruining the neighborhood…Bagging on good and bad music… Just being general menaces to society.
-Update: They made a come back…I havent’ seen any of the new episodes tho :{
You ever eaten where they work? – Burger World? Its a world wide chain… Maybe not?
No matter… Be careful where ya eat…Them dudes may be working there after all.
So lets get on to the ultimate question here..
Who is smarter? Beavis or Butthead? – My cousin asked me this question years ago when we were sitting around watching the show! It’s one of those brain teasers… Something to really ponder…. Sure there are other philosophical things to consider in the universe. – We all love a good challenge don’t we?
Hmmmmm… Let me thing about this a minute… Did i actually know anybody similar to these dudes back in Jr High? You know, people lighting farts and such. – Hmmmmm YES! I SURE DID!
Let me see….Of those guys and their crew… (of which I was a part) Which one of them was more intelligent? Which one had the higher IQ? Which one had the best ideas? ~Memories~
Who cares right? Me!
The ANSWER? According to my cuz…
Beavis is actually the smart one…. Butthead is just older
Full Moon view from earth In Belgium (Hamois). Français : Pleine Lune vue de la Terre en Belgique à Hamois. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Let’s think about going to the moon shall we? Did we really have the technology to get to the moon way back in the 60’s?
Some say no….It’s been said that the footage was actually filmed in Stanley Kubrick”s Hollywood studio. The same one that 2001 a space Odyssey was filmed at. Stanley was part of the conspiracy… Or that’s my understanding….
2001 looks good doesn’t it? It looks REAL! 🙂
You can read all about the lunar landing hoax everywhere… How they did it and why. (more…)
When I first saw The Da Vinci Code, I thought it was just based on a novel. Well, it is,
Image via Wikipedia
But maybe not.
I started finding out all sorts of interesting things, like how for hundreds of years, it has
been common knowledge in France that Mary Magdalene traveled there, lived out her
life, and raised her offspring who were apparently fathered by Jesus. Huh?
I never heard that in my church.
But in France, where Saint Mary Magdalene is the patron saint, people have always
believed this. Unbelievable!!
I took a trip to a local bookstore and found a whole section about this! And books about
the Knight’s Templar, the age old group who vowed to protect the Bloodline of Jesus,
and books about the Holy Grail being the Sangreal – the Holy Bloodline, NOT a cup!
Wow, and this was right here in my own city …. This whole section of books I had never
In The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown references a shadowy group known as le Prieure du
Sion, or The Priory of Sion. This group is apparently a secret society who guards these
esoteric secrets.
But how would I go finding out more about these secrets?
I love secrets!
More information followed. I got turned on to this cool radio show called NightVision
Radio hosted by Rene Barnett. Hey, cool! The lady that produced the movie Bloodline,
all about this mystery involving Mary Magdalene and her pad in France! The movie
even included this really interesting guy, Nic Haywood, a ‘hip-in-an-esoteric-way’ kind
of guy, who is the official spokesperson for The Priory of Sion. Guess what? I tuned
into her show and Haywood was on it live!
Listen to more
Image via Wikipedia
So now I’m looking forward to tomorrow night, Wednesday, May 23 2011. At 8:00 p.m.
Pacific Time, Nic’s gonna be on again! There’s even a live chatroom so if I might wanna
ask him some questions and get some really interesting answers on the air, I can! How
could anything be cooler than that??
Bloodline Mystery Tour 2011
I’ll tell you what could be cooler! Barnett and her business partner, Gloria Amendola,
are hosting a Esoteric Bloodline Mystery Tour this May to the U.K. where you can tour the important sites involved with this whole Mystery. Like Glastonbury, Rosslyn Chapel, and even Tintagel, the old
stomping grounds of King Arthur.
Best of all, Nic Haywood himself will be on the tour!
Tune in to the show. Come to the chatroom. Hey, we could even chat there! And if
you’ve been wanting to go to the United Kingdom, this tour’s for you …
American Girl has always been one of my favorite Tom Petty songs. It’s from his first album. I have been puzzled about this song on a couple of different fronts… Is it about suicide? And is it in the movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”?
Cover via Amazon
Let’s talk a little about the Suicide theory first.. It goes something like this:
Hey Dave.. I went to the University of Florida… This chick..She jumped out of a 4 story dorm to her death… Ya know, Tom Petty wrote a song about it.. “American girl” I think she was tripping on acid and thought she could fly…
Well, how about all that? Hmmm?
Check the lyrics:
Well, she was an American girl Raised on promises She couldn’t help thinkin’ That there was a little more to life somewhere else After all it was a great big world With lots of places to run to And if she had to die tryin’ She had one little promise she was gonna keep
Tom petty is from Florida… It’s excellent songwriting material, isn’t it?
I’d write a song about it – uh…. maybe.
I Dunno…. If ya asked Tom he’d probably deny it… Just Google it.
My main question is about the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Prob the best high school movie ever made. My gang from high school used to go see it weekly at the “Midnight Movies” Even then (early 80s) it was a cult classic. We used to throw stuff and holla at the scream in our teenage angst.
What’s funny is our lives are reflected in the charterers on the screen… Can you guess which ones?
I distinctly remember the song “American Girl” being played near the beginning of the movie… The part where we’re just getting introduced to the school…… The kids are throwing toilet paper and stuff…
HEY!! I just found it!!!
Now… Go rent the movie or watch it on TV….. I guarantee you it’s not in the film!