The Gospel of Benny Hinn?

Benny Hinn
Image by gregkendallball via Flickr

I have been thinking a lot about the gospels that are preached on television in conjuncture with my own personal struggles with life and financial obligations.. Benny Hinn is certainly one of the most famous and I had a little idea! This is a rework of an old post from 2008… See, I was unemployed.

In my ongoing quest to make enough money to survive I considered finding a job with a major TV ministry. I have believed the Bible for many years and thought that perhaps these guys could use an unskilled ex party animal junkie like myself to help further their cause.

They seem to generate a lot of capital so adding me to the staff somehow could help me get out of this self inflicted financial mess… (or ½ self inflicted, I had PLENTY of help getting there)

I thought of a good position for me…. I could be a “catcher” during the Benny Hinn rallies. You know… He’s the guy that is standing behind the person that faints from God’s awesome power when Benn waves his hand at them. They catch the person that is ‘slain in the spirit’ I think that would be a good job for me because I know I ain’t gonna be falling down – ya dig?

Now where would I apply for a job like that?

Lose your cell? You Contacts? Your Life?

My cell phone is prob laying around on the street somewhere..  Ya know… I lost it… I was texting and driving and chatting and driving and trying to check the latest news of all my hipster friends… I mean I was away from my computer after all.  What’s a guy supposed to do?

A sign that states

Image via Wikipedia

So… Ya know… I got out of the car somewhere to get some gas or eat breakfast or something and it must of  fell out of the hole in my pocket.  My coats about 10 years old and I don’t have a tailor or sowing machine.  It’s just a theory… I simply have no idea….

Here comes the panic!

Where’s my cell phone???

Oh my god!! What am I gonna do?? I may be getting a VERY important call, text or astrological update RIGHT NOW!!!!  Uh… (looking everywhere)… It’s gone!!! (more…)

The Gateway Drug?

Mary Jane Effects

Image via Wikipedia

You ever heard that  Marijuana is  a Gateway drug? That you start smoking a little weed and that it will eventually indoctrinate you to “try” harder drugs.

Gateway  Example

I guy is in  high school. At lunchtime he is at the convenience store and buy a quart of beer for lunch.  Some of the high school homeys are doing it every day so…Why not?

Drink that beer down with a sandwich and go back to class and heckle the teacher… Extra fuel for the class clown. (more…)

Used Car Lot’s – Paperwork and Meetings

OK Used Cars
Image by Bill Herndon via Flickr

Why does it always have to be a struggle to buy a car… When you go in you have to be greeted in the lot by a guy…Then he wants you to come into his office and have a meeting.

But he can’t stay long. He will then need to go enter some paperwork and talk to another guy… Maybe a manager… (more…)

Why I Eat Fast Food

Fast Food
Image by kiki follettosa via Flickr

I was visiting with a girl on a dating site. She was challenging me on why I like fast food.  I do have it right there on my profile with my pictures of  stuff I enjoy.

I made a little joke about how my pictures are different.  You know, Like going to Arby’s.

Did you get the joke?

“Go to Arby’s for something different”. (more…)

Marijuana – Are you a pothead?


Image via Wikipedia

What do you think about Marijuana? You know that wacky weed. Opinion’s vary as to rather it is a good thing or an evil drug that’s taking  over peoples life’s.

This is demonstrated in the old propaganda film Refer Madness.

Harmless Pot?

Refer madness is silly. It’s good to examine what we really believe about marijuana.  It is  a good thing?  I dunno.
