by DaveStuff | Aug 28, 2010 | Culure, Sex
Image via Wikipedia
Do you remeber going to sex education class in school? You would go and eveybody would giggle as you watched some film about reproduction probably produced sometime in the 50’s
Then you would go to recess. Out there on the playground is where the real education began. Chasing girls around the monkey bars, getting kudies ,then punching your bud’s and getting all those “warm fuzzies”
Where did all this school yard sex education come from? Big brothers and sisters? Parents? Who knows…But I just remember there was plenty of it.
I never really got any “real” sex education. And considering how important sex is to teenagers I think it’s time to be a bit more frank. Like, if you do that kid… THIS might happen… Can you dig it?
by DaveStuff | Aug 24, 2010 | Beliefs, Culure, Weirdness
Do you remember the Pepsi challenge? You would pull up to a grocery store and they would have this stand up there… You step up to the little booth and they give you 2 tiny cups of soda and you tell them which one you think tastes the best.
I chose coke… I had to think about it for a minute tho.. My mom had always told me that “Pepsi tastes’ like Coke with dirt in it”. Well, when I took the actual “test” I couldn’t tell…And honestly, in that setting, thought that Pepsi MAY taste just a little bit better…
Uh… Nope.
I’m a Coke guy for life hipsters…That’s just the way it is… Now that i’m older and slower and bigger and all I have decided to switch to the diet variety.
by DaveStuff | Aug 19, 2010 | Culure, Music, Weirdness
I have always enjoyed “space sounding music… And I am guessing that Pink Floyd was the first to do it.. Or do it right… The first record…Piper at the gates of dawn is really a spacey sounding record… Campy too…
It was recorded at the same time as The Beatles Sgt Peppers lonely hearts club band. In my “hip opinion” it is a better record.
So the space music? Well listen to it… The opening song Astronomy Domine is just about as spacey as it gets…Then right into Intersteller Overdrive… Come on!?!
I heard Roger Waters say one tome that “nobody invented space music” Well, I dunno… His first guitar player Syd was certainly one of the first right? That guy is kinna a trip… A tortured genius…. But then Syd Barrett was on a whole other level…
Many people I have talked to over the years are into Pink Floyd.. The later stuff… I try to turn them on to the Barrett recordings but many consider it just too freaking “weird” It is that…. WAY out… In SPACE….
Give it a listen sometime…With an open mind….
by DaveStuff | Aug 16, 2010 | Culure, General
So when you call some kind of business be it a doctor office or utility company you always get a computer. …Push one for sales, push 2 for service, push three if you want to make and opponent.
To speak to a customer service representative push ZERO…
Well that’s a hard one huh? I may want to do any and all of these things. What I want to do is tell a PERSON about it. Not push buttons all day and then go on hold waiting to talk to a real person anyways…
So check it out.. The “system” will ask you to “enter your phone number” enter your name and ask other questions.. THEN…When the real person comes on to help you they ask for the very same information that you just told the machine system.. WASSUP?
OK… Push one for English.. Two for ….. French?
Happily travel by telephone :
by DaveStuff | Jul 20, 2010 | Culure, Money
Living here in OK is just a turnpike away from getting where ya need o go. You always have a choice.. You can take the free road or you can shave an hour or more off your trip by paying for the faster rout.
This isn’t a totally bad thing. Expecially if you have lived her you entire life… You get used to it ya know?
My problem with it all is a few times when I pull up to the toll gate and throw my change into the little bucket nothing happens. Hmmm? Maybe I didn’t count it right…So I grab some more and throw that in too.
The light stays RED. What the heck? I look over at the booth with the worker and they are working away… Not looking at me.
“HEY! I’m outta change here… I put plenty in and the light won’t turn green…Wassup”?
No answer… Just a sullan look my way and then back to work….
So…. I just drive on through anyways… DING DING DING DING. There goes the alarm… I keep driving looking for police to pull me over.
This has happened at least 3 times on different turnpikes. If they are going to have those things then perhaps they should step up the maintenance on the equipment.
I can hardly wait till the ticket comes in the mail from when they took a picture of my license tag.
by DaveStuff | Jul 16, 2010 | Culure, Internet Relationships
Well here we are surfing the internet with nothing to do. So much information and we sit and do it for hours.
My addictive personality confirms that when I get into something I can’t quit and just keep on going and going and going. Like the engergizer bunny.
My house is a wreck from all of the addiction I submitted myself to lately. I went ahead, despite my knowing better and just did what felt good or the moment… It was a mistake.
Now, of course I simply traded one addiction for another… Playing on Facebook, dating sites, news sites and blogs…
The internet is a hard on relationships… Or good.. Depends on how you look at. I have met many great people on the internet. Others that were great, after getting together it seemed the internet was a tool to ruin us. Go figure?
There are certainly worse things this hipster could do than sit in front of the screen 4 to 6 hours running talking to people. But how constructive is the conversation anyways… Is it for good, or bad? What are the motives?
Wow, I’m certainly asking myself a lot of questions today…And as a friend points out… I already know the answers… Ha ha…
Glad ya surfed on by… Keep coming back!