by DaveStuff | Sep 28, 2010 | Internet Relationships, Sex, Technology

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I get email every week from this cat, Derek Rake on how to seduce women. I was sitting around on the single tip (like I am now) and did a Google search on how to pick up girls and his site came up. (It may have been an ad)
I was quite entertained by the webpage and I put my email address in there and have been getting his newsletter ever since. He claims it’s worth $47 monthly. I have been receiving it for quite some time. I wonder when my free trial is up? (more…)
by DaveStuff | Sep 20, 2010 | General, Internet Relationships, Sex
I’m single again. My latest fascination has been twitter. Perhaps I could use it instead of dating sites to find a new girlfriend. It can’t hurt…Right?
I spend a lot of time on twitter so instead of promoting myself and talking

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about how cool my blog is perhaps I could find a hot dates to go on in my spare time. (I can’t just blog endlessly?)
I read bloggs teaching how to be a successful blogger. They often suggest writing a “list” post. So I have decided to do just that. Are ya ready?
And here it goes….
How To Find a Girlfriend on Twitter
Create an Account
You gotta sign up first dude. You cant sit around playing X-box and expect to get hot twitter followers. So turn off the game and bust a move.
Spice up Your Profile
Don’t just use the default skin. Put something cool up that reflects your personality and why you are the one to git’ wit. Make sure you make a good impression on you “bio”
Have a website
If you don’t have your own website you could just enter your Myspace profile in that section. Make sure that your profile at Myspace looks good to. That way they can visit you there too and add you as a friend. Or at least get more info about ya.
Start Tweeting
Yep, like facebook start posting and texting cool things you know and see. Talk about your “availability”. What your into…Who you be wit’ Your favorite food and drink and popular culture hipster ramblings. Do this several times a day.
Follow Chicks
Do a “single” search using twitter. This will open real time treading for the term “single” Start following every single girl you find attractive. Also use the hash tag (#) in your tweets and profile. #single #hotties #dating ETC They will follow you back. And when they do:
Strike up Conversations
Use the @hotchick (example) to start talking to girls. Compliment them and practice putting the twitter “mack” down.
Add Local Chicks
Do a search for your town. Follow all the hot chicks you see in that search. That is if you want somebody close to where you live. Twitter is worldwide..Ya know? After a few online train wrecks myself I’d be fine with a long distance twitter girlfriend.
Hook Up
“So glad to finally meet you in person. I have really been enjoying your tweets” Would you like to join me down at the cyber cafe? Oh, I see you have your Iphone…Let’s rock!
I’m working on it with one gurl. But she wouldn’t even tweet me… What gives? But hey, I got a really good feeling about this one 🙂
by DaveStuff | Aug 28, 2010 | Culure, Sex

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Do you remeber going to sex education class in school? You would go and eveybody would giggle as you watched some film about reproduction probably produced sometime in the 50’s
Then you would go to recess. Out there on the playground is where the real education began. Chasing girls around the monkey bars, getting kudies ,then punching your bud’s and getting all those “warm fuzzies”
Where did all this school yard sex education come from? Big brothers and sisters? Parents? Who knows…But I just remember there was plenty of it.
I never really got any “real” sex education. And considering how important sex is to teenagers I think it’s time to be a bit more frank. Like, if you do that kid… THIS might happen… Can you dig it?
by DaveStuff | Aug 26, 2010 | Music, Satan-Hell, Sex, Weirdness
Remember that groovy band Kiss… “Knights in Satan Service” Haha…I was a big fan when I was a kid. They were the first “shock rock” band I remember…They did songs about the good things in life… Sex!
They painted their faces and wore these cool costumes… They jumped around on stage and had fire and platforms and shiny drums. The bass player spit up blood and blew fire… It has been said they were the “hardest working band of all time”.
There band consisted of:
Star child
Space Man
So where they the Kings in Satan Service? Or was this just a clever marketing publicity stunt? Perhaps the movement to label all rock music as “the devils” music came up with this and when Kiss heard it they simply didn’t deny it thinking it would sell a few more records.
Oh sure their songs about rock and roll lifestyle sex and God’s of Thunder was a bit over the top in the 70’s… Not even close to what these guys are singing about now… Come on now… Ever heard of the band Slayer?
Hey..Kiss is still rocking around out there.. Can you dig it?
by DaveStuff | May 12, 2009 | Conspiracy, Sex
I’m always hearing about one of the Brady Bunch’s or Mom getting it on with one of the kids and/or each other… Maybe the producer got in on some of the action.
- Greg and Mom
- Mom and Greg
- Cindy and Peter
- Greg and Dad
- Marsha and Greg
- Alice and the Butcher
I just can’t keep up with it all! Greg seen a lot of action… And there’s not even a toilet in the shared bathroom of the kids’ Hey! my favorite episode is the one with the flying saucer.. I’m a spacey kind of guy, Ya Know?
by DaveStuff | Feb 26, 2009 | Sex
Well isn’t this a political question… Are people born gay?
Evangelicals say no way…The gay community says of course…They call it “sexual orientation” Maybe I need to look up orientation in the dictionary:
- the act of orienting
- an integrated set of attitudes and beliefs
- position or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directions
- predilection: a predisposition in favor of something; “a predilection for expensive cars”; “his sexual preferences”; “showed a Marxist orientation”
- a person’s awareness of self with regard to position and time and place and personal relationships
- orientation course: a course introducing a new situation or environment
I went to elementary school with this kid, He was always chilling with girls…Years later I heard that he was gay… Is there a connection? It seems that most anybody I talk to says they know of somebody just like that… Gee there must be something to it.
Hey! You know there is always something to talk about when it comes to gay people… Marriage, rights, religion, damnation, sex, taboo, forbidden fruit, it just goes on and on and on and on and…….
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Like rock and roll is here to stay…So are the gays. Can’t we all just get along?