When you read the horoscope in the daily newspaper to you consider it to be true? Do you tend to make decisions based on what it says? How does these ancient art tell your future?
It’s all just clean fun. You pick it up.. Read it, It talks – right at you huh? I’m one of those groovy cusp guys.. Virgo/Libra. Well, I ain’t very groovy. Maybe I was at one time but now I’m not. And I don’t think the horoscope would help.
But I’m always willing to give it a try. Right?
I have not read my horoscope in years. Wait, did I read it last week? I can’t remember. Maybe the next time I do read it it will tell me when I should read it again.
Something Like This:
A Horoscope Reads:
DOUFO – You need to read the Libra horoscope on the 2nd Tuesday of next month in the New York Times . It will tell you how much the lottery is after taxes and the correct numbers to pick. We wanted to give you a heads up since you work nights and often look up at the stars with great respect.
And Next Month
Libra Horoscope
The Moon moving up next to Scorpio has interesting things for you Libra. The planets are intensifying the circumstances involving treasures in the near future. These treasure amount to $5.00 for the red power ball of mars in equal to the days of the week. 7.
Well here I am back on the hip opinion. How long has it been, 10 years? So Now I must reflect on being hip, (not) Star Trek an politics.
Now that I’m older, I realize I’m not very hip anymore. Well, I never really was, I just THOUGHT I was. I was really just a guy with a dream. Probably because I watched so much Star Trek in my youth. That show promises a future. But I begin to realize that probably won’t happen in my lifetime.
Really? So what exactly does Star Trek teach? That mankind messed up over a few millennia and almost destroyed ourselves.?And then we gathered together and became communists? Is that what I think I heard?
Yep, that’s what somebody told me.
I always heard that ‘Communism’ was bad. I’ve heard it my whole life. Now I also hear that Socialism is bad. Which is it?
Let’s see here… Hmmmmmmmmm
A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
I’m trying to figure it out. But, I can’t… I just can’t.
I have wondered plenty of time rather alcoholism or drug addiction is actually a disease. Like cancer is a disease. It sure does kill folks and destroy families and all that wacky stuff.
But is it a disease?
It’s a disease packaged in pretty bottles.
It’s a disease of choice, right? But wait!!
If you take a drink… Do you want another? And another?
Why would you want to keep doing something that could cause many problems for you and even kill you?
There’s no doubt about it. There is something up.
If you or somebody you love has ever dealt with (chances are you know somebody) addiction then you gotta think…. What the hell? That guy is sick!
Is he sick? Or perhaps –
He Can’t handle his liquor
What a way to be thought of — The dude that ‘can’t handle his liquor’
When I first saw The Da Vinci Code, I thought it was just based on a novel. Well, it is,
Image via Wikipedia
But maybe not.
I started finding out all sorts of interesting things, like how for hundreds of years, it has
been common knowledge in France that Mary Magdalene traveled there, lived out her
life, and raised her offspring who were apparently fathered by Jesus. Huh?
I never heard that in my church.
But in France, where Saint Mary Magdalene is the patron saint, people have always
believed this. Unbelievable!!
I took a trip to a local bookstore and found a whole section about this! And books about
the Knight’s Templar, the age old group who vowed to protect the Bloodline of Jesus,
and books about the Holy Grail being the Sangreal – the Holy Bloodline, NOT a cup!
Wow, and this was right here in my own city …. This whole section of books I had never
In The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown references a shadowy group known as le Prieure du
Sion, or The Priory of Sion. This group is apparently a secret society who guards these
esoteric secrets.
But how would I go finding out more about these secrets?
I love secrets!
More information followed. I got turned on to this cool radio show called NightVision
Radio hosted by Rene Barnett. Hey, cool! The lady that produced the movie Bloodline,
all about this mystery involving Mary Magdalene and her pad in France! The movie
even included this really interesting guy, Nic Haywood, a ‘hip-in-an-esoteric-way’ kind
of guy, who is the official spokesperson for The Priory of Sion. Guess what? I tuned
into her show and Haywood was on it live!
Listen to more
Image via Wikipedia
So now I’m looking forward to tomorrow night, Wednesday, May 23 2011. At 8:00 p.m.
Pacific Time, Nic’s gonna be on again! There’s even a live chatroom so if I might wanna
ask him some questions and get some really interesting answers on the air, I can! How
could anything be cooler than that??
Bloodline Mystery Tour 2011
I’ll tell you what could be cooler! Barnett and her business partner, Gloria Amendola,
are hosting a Esoteric Bloodline Mystery Tour this May to the U.K. where you can tour the important sites involved with this whole Mystery. Like Glastonbury, Rosslyn Chapel, and even Tintagel, the old
stomping grounds of King Arthur.
Best of all, Nic Haywood himself will be on the tour!
Tune in to the show. Come to the chatroom. Hey, we could even chat there! And if
you’ve been wanting to go to the United Kingdom, this tour’s for you …
In honor of Fat Tuesday I thought I’d take a little study on Catholicism, Protestants. History and the Bible.
People go for many years studying the Bible (sometime just one version at that- KJV only ) Guess what? – The Catholic Bible is NOT the same. It has all of the same books the protestant one does, plus a few that the protestants took out.. Now what’s that about?
Then I heard that Constantine ‘started’ Catholicism, uh….. that’s a newsflash.
I think folks may be getting Constantinople and Constantine confused, Constantinople was a Roman Church hub in the early days. Sure, he was a big player in the Catholic Church, but he didn’t ‘begin’ it. And yes, these ‘books,’ (included) or rather, letters, were written before that time, along with scores of OTHER ones. (more…)
With my passion of the Bible and spirituality I have often wondered how the bible was put together.. With the permission of a close friend of mine I have taken the liberty to use some of her extensive research to consider this… The Hip Opinion hopes you enjoy 🙂
Image via Wikipedia
First let’s consider a few players in the drama…..
The Council of Nicene
The Council of Nicene was where the Emperor Constantine brought together a group of leaders and they decided ‘which’ letters and scrolls would be ‘the Bible’ and decided on the deity of Jesus. Around the year 400 or so.
The Council of Jerusalem
The Council of Jerusalem was an apostolic group that decided on the ‘rules’ of Christianity about 50 years after Jesus died, and THAT was the group that decided Gentiles could finally become Christians
Until then, even people who were Gentiles who ‘converted’ to Jesus’ way of thinking were then considered JEWISH. Yeah, several different sects, like Pharisees, Saducees and Essenes. With me?