That would be your 100,000,000,000 Island dressing.
The big mac supper club has been serving up these huge sandwiches for as long as I can remember… Billions and billions served. There just never is a better time to get some of that good stuff. Especially with the economy going out the window.
You can still get the Big Mac Value Meal for about 5 bucks… A family of 4 can eat for just a little over $20. Cheaper if ya got small kid’s getting the “happy meals” You may even have enouph left over to buy the crew some ice cream cones.
I know this isn’t everybody’s “friday nite out” but who can beat those prices. And that special sauce… It makes the burger distinctively what it is… A BIG Mac…. I’m LOVIN’ it!
I heard on the radio today that the debate was on again… Apparently McCain was gonna chicken out or something… Is he afraid of that black dude?
I also heard that he backed out of being a guest on the David Letterman show. Man that old guy is a trip huh? He just can’t seem to get it together…
I gotta admit he did good getting that young hottie as his running mate however. That sure stirred up a lot of juice. It was a brilliant move. But with everything that George Jr has done in the past eight years has destroyed his chances of winning.
Please, What are your thoughts? What is he scared of?
Post from 2008. McCain lost. My political commentary from back then seem silly in light of how things are now. Trump makes Bush Jr look like a saint.
Yep, somebody told me a story one day he asked, did Jesus fake his death? It was outside of a place we were waiting to open after the cleaning crew was finished inside. A young couple was there waiting along with myself and a couple of other guys. Here is some of the conversation:
Dude: How’s it goin? Couple: Very nice thank you. It was a glories day. Glorious indeed. Beautiful weather. Yes, God is good. He loves us so much. We are very blessed. Really? How so? Well he gave us great jobs and delivered us from sickness. He’s at work in our lives right now! Uh… Yeah.. Hey, ya’ll believe in Jesus don’t you? Oh yes, absolutely! He’s God’s son and we believe in him and we are born again. Well, I’m not Christian, I don’t believe in Jesus.
Oh Hell, where is this going I thought.
“You see folks, the dude continued – I know what really happened. Jesus didn’t die out there, he faked it and then went and hid in another country”.
You know those guys back then could put themselves into a “trance” literally mimicking death. So Jesus was doing this on the cross and was taken down and put in that grave believing he was dead.
Then a few days later he showed up at his apostles house… They told him “dude, if you don’t get the hell outta town right now they are going to CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF. -So Jesus ran off and the legend was born.
The Dude
We all kind of looked at each other and said…. damn.
When you read the horoscope in the daily newspaper to you consider it to be true? Do you tend to make decisions based on what it says? How does these ancient art tell your future?
It’s all just clean fun. You pick it up.. Read it, It talks – right at you huh? I’m one of those groovy cusp guys.. Virgo/Libra. Well, I ain’t very groovy. Maybe I was at one time but now I’m not. And I don’t think the horoscope would help.
But I’m always willing to give it a try. Right?
I have not read my horoscope in years. Wait, did I read it last week? I can’t remember. Maybe the next time I do read it it will tell me when I should read it again.
Something Like This:
A Horoscope Reads:
DOUFO – You need to read the Libra horoscope on the 2nd Tuesday of next month in the New York Times . It will tell you how much the lottery is after taxes and the correct numbers to pick. We wanted to give you a heads up since you work nights and often look up at the stars with great respect.
And Next Month
Libra Horoscope
The Moon moving up next to Scorpio has interesting things for you Libra. The planets are intensifying the circumstances involving treasures in the near future. These treasure amount to $5.00 for the red power ball of mars in equal to the days of the week. 7.
Bugs Bunny is a Trans Sexual. . It’s funny I had written this short post clear back in 2008. Now, Here in 2022 the Trans thing is certainly talked about on a scale that was only imagined back then. Oh how time flies.
Here is the original post from 2008
That’s what I’ve heard… Bugs Bunny. Is he (or she) Bi? I really like that dude er… person. I’ve even seen the banned ones where he is poking fun at black folks… But that’s my question hipsters… Is Bugs transgender? Something we may never know…Hmmmm?
Please…Tell me what ya think!!!!
Oh I doubt I really wanted to know what people thought… I’d seen the cartoons so my mind was pretty much made up. Bugs Bunny is a Tranny. Right? Take a look:
It’s Complex
I got the idea when somebody brought the idea up at a cocktail party. I haven’t been to very many but that is what they called it and somebody told me that Ol’ Bugs was a Trans Sexual. And so I thought about it. Then I asked a few of my friends, acquaintances and co workers over the years. Their reply was usually… “maybe”
So now its been about 15 years as of this writing and I still don’t know. And guess what?
I love UFO’s! Huge headed aliens and stuff. You know.. Glittering eyes. Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind and ET. Wow… I love that stuff. Area 51. Is there really something “out there” ?
Satanic Aliens
I have heard it said that these aliens are actually demon’s of Satan’s army. Just to fool us into not believing in God. You ever heard that before? –Well now you have! Hmmmm, Satanic Aliens. Who would have thought?
I really like space. I’m a spacey kind of guy. Believe it. And that means I dig UFO’s I’d LOVE to see a freaking UFO…
And Hey, I’m all in… If it’s a satanic UFO – even better.
I found out today that my ios spell check doesnt know who Colonel Sanders is. I kept asking Seri or whatever for help, but it just didn’t happen. Finally my wife stepped up to the plate and helped me out.
It all started with a message to her. We were talking about how things were going in our respective days and I told her I was going to go to KFC. Then came the confusion. Cornal, chornel, cernal. Damn…
I Couldn’t Spell Colonel.
I was totally out of control. And there was no spell check working for me. Oh sure it would flag it as incorrect but couldn’t understand which word I was trying to spell. Damn this technology. We may as well be back in the 70s when we had to look up everyting in a dictionary.
An actual dictionary paper book. Not Google .What gives? The wifey also pointed out that Colonel Sanders was an old man. Well, so am I. Old and tired. If she hadn’t helped me, I would’ve had to open a browser and google how to spell it. Thanks honey.
Well here I am back on the hip opinion. How long has it been, 10 years? So Now I must reflect on being hip, (not) Star Trek an politics.
Now that I’m older, I realize I’m not very hip anymore. Well, I never really was, I just THOUGHT I was. I was really just a guy with a dream. Probably because I watched so much Star Trek in my youth. That show promises a future. But I begin to realize that probably won’t happen in my lifetime.
Really? So what exactly does Star Trek teach? That mankind messed up over a few millennia and almost destroyed ourselves.?And then we gathered together and became communists? Is that what I think I heard?
Yep, that’s what somebody told me.
I always heard that ‘Communism’ was bad. I’ve heard it my whole life. Now I also hear that Socialism is bad. Which is it?
Let’s see here… Hmmmmmmmmm
A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
I’m trying to figure it out. But, I can’t… I just can’t.
What? DeJa Vu – That feeling… you know? I am trying to wrap my mind around it. What can I say. I know i been here before.
Does it feels like YOU been here before?
I just can’t place the time, season, emotion or drama.
Did it involve drama? You know how I LOVE drama! If you look for it.. Your gonna find it. – Always.
I love deja vu. Especially when it brings back memories of wickedness and debauchery. Helps me keep me on my toe’s. I mean I better be on my game if I have already done all it. Especially if it’s stupid. And I’m sure it probably is.
It’s good to feel like you been feeling like you been feeling. Wow… I think I feel like I been here before.
What does a man in Edwardian England do when his marriage is hopeless? Well, he should not fall in love with another woman. This is what Philip Marshall in The Suspect (1944) does, and his outraged wife, Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Witch of the West, refuses to give him a divorce. The presence of young Mary, Philip’s love interest, keeps him in town and makes him desperate. Ergo he kills his wife, in a murder plot not exactly believable. Very easily he becomes The Suspect.
This Robert Siodmak film is an Old Hollywood crime story set in Old London. In polished black and white, it isn’t anything important but it is entertaining enough, what with, for one thing, Charles Laughton in the leading part. Rosalind Ivan is good and true as the shrewish wife, and although I regard Ella Raines as perfectly passable as Mary, I wish Universal had hired a Brit, not an American, for the role. Not bloody likely: other women in the film are American too.